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System Integration

Architecture change of legacy technology
Re-architecting legacy technology can be a significant undertaking, but with careful planning and execution, it can lead to a more modern and efficient system that better supports the needs of the business.

Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current system: It is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the current system to understand its architecture, functionality, and limitations. This analysis will help to identify the areas of the system that need to be redesigned or replaced.

Define the requirements for the new system: Once the current system has been analyzed, it is necessary to define the requirements for the new system. These requirements should be based on the needs of the business and should take into account the capabilities of modern technology.

Develop a plan for the new system: After defining the requirements, it is necessary to develop a plan for the new system. This plan should include the architecture of the new system, the technologies that will be used, and the timeline for development.

Design and develop the new system: With the plan in place, the new system can be designed and developed. This may involve building new software, integrating existing software, or developing new interfaces to connect different systems.

Test and deploy the new system: Once the new system has been developed, it is important to test it thoroughly to ensure that it meets the requirements and functions as expected. After testing, the new system can be deployed, and users can begin to use it.

Monitor and maintain the new system: After the new system has been deployed, it is important to monitor it and maintain it regularly to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the business.


To effectively modernize an established product, more is required than just talented engineers and designers. There is also a large element of project management because you need to build/release the new product without harming the old one. It is comparable to repairing an airplane in midair, which is as difficult as it sounds. Companies that hire the incorrect development partner are likely to encounter painful product failures, irate consumers, and ultimately income loss.